Our Adoption Journey!

A journal of our thoughts, feelings and steps in the process of adopting a child with significant special needs.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekends are HARD now....

....because there are no updates on photo listings, from agencies, or state social services. We have inquired on two little boys and have not heard anything back yet, also submitted our profile to another agency and have no update on that yet because of the weekend. Today, I will be cleaning house and hoping to hear something on either of the little boys we are interested in. I know it could be a very long wait, but hopeful that we will find our special child quickly!!!! We are hoping to adopt and infant, boy or girl, who has special challenges ahead of them, who might not be so easy to find an adoptive family for. We are certified for ages 0-5 from healthy to severely physically or medically disabled.