Our Adoption Journey!

A journal of our thoughts, feelings and steps in the process of adopting a child with significant special needs.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Look how much Theo has grown! I got an update on him June 1st and I think he is doing quite well considering all he has been through. We also signed the release documents so that our home study agency can send all our information to the agency in NY. We have been talking to the kids A LOT about everything and all possibilities lately, preparing them for either outcome whether we are chosen as Theo's family or if another family is chosen. We talked about being happy for Theo that he has a family to love him and take care of him even if it is not us and reassuring them that even if we are not chosen to be Theo's family we will still be looking for a baby who needs a family like us. They are very excited about being big brothers and sisters and talk about Theo all the time. Another big surprise is the girls have started to get maternal and take care of dolls, which is something that they had little interested in before we started talking about adopting this little boy, and at the moment they are pushing the stroller around the front room. It is all very sweet and I know they will love the baby we get to adopt!