Ethan (almost 10) says:
"I can go to therapy with him, and when he is nine, I can teach him to drive a power wheelchair"
Helen (age 8) says:
"We can play school and I can teach him how to read and write. I can't wait to get to feed him a bottle."
Mark (age 7) is so relieved:
"When he gets older and my sisters get in time out for fighting I won't have to play by myself anymore. I can play with him, but not legos, 'cause he is too small."
Chloe (age 6) says with her finger to the side of her mouth in deep thought:
"well...I want to show him how I ride a bike and help him find easter eggs on Easter. I want to feed him a bottle and change his diaper."
We know what Princess the dog thinks....I won't have to cry anymore when the kids leave for school because there will still be one at home! She peeks under the gate whimpering every morning while the kids wait for the school bus.